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Cotton buds are not recommended for earwax removal as they can push the wax further into the ear canal and cause more harm than good. This can cause the earwax to build-up and become impacted lading to pain and possibly hearing loss. Additionally, cotton buds can damage the delicate skin in the ear canal. Instead, you can opt for MicroSuction to remove earwax.
Cleaning your ears is a delicate process which requires care and attention. Ideally, your ear canals shouldn't need cleaning, however, if a build-up of wax is present and starts to cause symptoms then visit your GP.
Keep the outer ear clean. Use a dry tissue or alcohol-free baby wipes to clean around and behind your ear after showering or bathing.
Do not use cotton buds, sharp objects or scratch/poke your ears. These can push the wax deeper inside the ear canal and are more likely to cause problems such as an infection.
Do not use materials such as cotton buds or tissues to soak up any moisture in your ears. Let them dry naturally.
Do not use any products that you have bought from a pharmacy or shop if there is a chance that your eardrum is perforated.
It's important that the earwax is soft enough to make the procedure as comfortable and effective as possible for both you and the practitioner.
We recommend using medicated oil sprays/drops at least once per day in the affected ear and repeat for 5 - 7 days up until your appointment date.
Earol is an olive oil-based spray that is used to soften and help the removal of earwax. Using this product 5 days prior to your appointment (2 - 3 times per day) for MicroSuction will make it much easier and more manageable when removing the earwax.
Otex Express is a Hydrogen Peroxide spray that is used to breakdown and help the removal of earwax. Using this product 5 days prior to your appointment (1 - 2 times per day) for MicroSuction will make it much easier and more manageable when removing the earwax.
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